Petrology, 2011, V 19, N 6.

Genesis of Platiniferous Massifs in the Southeastern Siberian Platform   
V. A. Simonov, V. S. Prikhod?ko, and S. V. Kovyazin 
p. 549   
Proportions of Lithospheric and Asthenospheric Components in Late Cenozoic
K and K-Na Lavas in Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China   
S. V. Rasskazov, I. S. Chuvashova, J. Liu, F. Meng,
T. A. Yasnygina, N. N. Fefelov,
and E. V. Saranina 
p. 568   
Early Paleozoic Granitoids in the Lesser Khingan Terrane, Central Asian Foldbelt:
Age, Geochemistry, and Geodynamic Interpretations   
A. A. Sorokin, A. B. Kotov, E. B. Sal'nikova, N. M. Kudryashov, 
S. D. Velikoslavinskii,S. Z. Yakovleva, A. M. Fedoseenko, 
and Yu. V. Plotkina 
p. 601   
Mantle Ultrabasites of Ophiolite Complexes 
in the Polar Urals: Petrogenesis
and Geodynamic Environments   
V. R. Shmelev 