Petrology, 2012, V 20, N 5, September - October

Cluster Type of Silicate Vaporization: 
Newly Obtained Experimental Data  
M. V. Gerasimov, Yu. P. Dikov, 
and O. I. Yakovlev 
p. 399   
Gas-Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Genesis 
of Green and Orange Glasses in Lunar Rocks  
Yu. P. Dikov, V. I. Mal'kovsky, and A. A. Pek 
p. 408   
Petrology of Ringwoodite-Bearing Pumice 
in the El Gasco Area, Western Spain  
L. I. Glazovskaya and V. I. Feldman 
p. 415   
General Relations in the Trace-Element Composition of Zircons
from Eclogites with Implications for the 
Age of Eclogites in the Belomorian Mobile Belt  
S. G. Skublov, A. V. Berezin, and N. G. Berezhnaya 
p. 427   
Equation of Thermobarometer for Description 
of Sulfide-Silicate Liquid
Immiscibility in Basaltic Systems  
E. V. Koptev-Dvornikov, N. S. Aryaeva, 
and D. A. Bychkov 
p. 450   
The Volch'etundrovsky Massif of the 
Autonomous Anorthosite Complex
of the Main Range, the Kola Peninsula: 
Geological, Petrogeochemical,
and Isotope-Geochronological Studies  
V. V. Chashchin, T. B. Bayanova, 
I. R. Yelizarova, and P. A. Serov 