Petrology, 2011, V 19, N 5.

Phase Equilibria of Bastnaesite, Allanite, and Monazite: 
Bastnaesite-out Isograde in Metapelites of the Vorontsovskaya
Group, Voronezh Crystalline Massif   
K. A. Savko and N. S. Bazikov 
p. 445   
Paleoproterozoic Eclogites in the Salma Area, 
Northwestern Belomorian Mobile Belt:
Composition and Isotopic Geochronologic 
Characteristics of Minerals and Metamorphic Age   
S. G. Skublov, A. V. Berezin, and A. E. Mel'nik 
p. 470   
Kimberlites of the Daldyn-Alakit Region (Yakutia): 
Spatial Distribution of the Rocks
with Different Chemical Characteristics   
A. V. Kargin, Yu. Yu. Golubeva, and V. A. Kononova 
p. 496   
Petrology, Age, and Polychronous Sources of the 
Initial Magmatism of the Imandra-Varzuga
Paleorift, Fennoscandian Shield   
A. B. Vrevsky 