Petrology, 2006, V 14, N 6.
In Memoriam Vilen Andreevich Zharikov
p. 529
Experimental Study of the Effect of SiO2 on Ni
Solubility in Silicate Melts
A. A. Borisov
p. 530
Shock Metamorphism of Some Rock-Forming Minerals:
Experimental Results and Natural Observations
V. I. Fel'dman, L. V. Sazonova, and
E. A. Kozlov
p. 540
Phase Equilibria in Rocks of the Paleoproterozoic
Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
of the Lebedinskoe Deposit, Kursk Magnetic
Anomaly, and the Petrogenesis
of BIF with Alkali Amphiboles
K. A. Savko
p. 567
Middle Paleozoic Basic Magmatism of the
Northwestern Vilyui Rift:
Composition, Sources, and Geodynamics
A. I. Kiselev, V. V. Yarmolyuk, K. N. Egorov,
R. A. Chernyshov, and A. V. Nikiforov
p. 588
Early Proterozoic Central-Type Volcano in
the Pechenga Structure and Its Relation to the
Ore-Bearing Gabbro-Wehrlite Complex
of the Kola Peninsula
P. K. Skuf’in and T. B. Bayanova
p. 609
Instructions for Authors
p. 628
Author Index to Volume 14, 2006
p. 629