Petrology, 2006, V 14, N 5.

 Anniversary of Academician 
 Vilen Andreevich Zharikov 
 p. 421

 Granitization of Paleoproterozoic 
 High-Pressure Metagabbro-Norites
 of the Belomorian Group in Gorelyi Island, 
 Kandalaksha Bay Area, Baltic Shield   
 S. P. Korikovsky and L. I. Khodorevskaya 
 p. 423  

 Composition and Chemical Structure of 
 Oceanic Mantle Plumes 
 V. I. Kovalenko, V. B. Naumov, A. V. Girnis, 
 V. A. Dorofeeva, and V. V. Yarmolyuk 
 p. 452  

 Parameters of Hotspots and Thermochemical 
 Plumes during Their Ascent and Eruption 
 N. L. Dobretsov, A. A. Kirdyashkin, 
 A. G. Kirdyashkin, I. N. Gladkov, 
 and N. V. Surkov 
 p. 477  

 Partitioning of Trace Elements between 
 Carbonate-Silicate Melts and Mantle Minerals:
 Experiment and Petrological Consequences 
 A. V. Girnis, V. K. Bulatov, Y. Lahaye, 
 and G. P. Brey 
 p. 492  
 Bimetasomatic Zoning in the CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O-CO2 System: 
 Experiments with the Use of Natural Rock Samples 
 G. Yu. Shvedenkov*, V. V. Reverdatto, 
 T. A. Bul'bak, and N. A. Bryksina 
 p. 515