Petrology, 2004, V 12, N 1.
Relation between Plume Magmatism and Mantle Metasomatism
beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Petrological and Geochemical Evidence
in Rocks of the Peridotite-Gabbro-Trondhjemite Association
S. A. Silantyev, B. A. Bazylev, L. Dosso, S. F. Karpenko, and B. V. Belyatskii
p. 1
Formation of Fluorine-Rich Magmas by Fluid Filtration through Silicic Magmas:
Petrological and Geochemical Evidence of Metamagmatism
S. S. Abramov
p. 17
Early Proterozoic Granitoids in the Junction Zone of the Olekma
Granite-Greenstone Belt and the Aldan Granulite-Gneiss Terrane,
Aldan Shield: Age, Sources, and Geodynamic Environments
A. B. Kotov, E. B. Sal'nikova, A. M. Larin, V. P. Kovach,
V. M. Savatenkov, S. Z. Yakovleva, N. G. Berezhnaya, and Yu. V. Plotkina
p. 37
Geochemistry of Tonalite Formation in the Sumsunur Batholith, Eastern Sayan
V. I. Grebenshchikova and P. V. Koval
p. 56
Synthesis of Omphacites and Isomorphic Features of Clinopyroxenes
in the System CaMgSi2O6-NaAlSi2O6-KAlSi2O6
O. G. Safonov, Yu. A. Litvin, and L. L. Perchuk
p. 70
Plagioclase Crystallization from a Hawaiitic Melt in Experiments
and in a Volcanic Conduit
A. G. Simakin and T. P. Salova
p. 82