Petrology, 2003, V 11, N 4.

Variations in the Geochemical and Isotopic
Characteristics of Residual Peridotites
along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as a Function
of the Nature of the Mantle Magmatic Sources 
S. A. Silantyev 
p. 305   

Geochemical Classification of Silicic
Igneous Rocks of Major Geodynamic Environments 
S. D. Velikoslavinskii 
p. 327   

Timing of Magmatic Crystallization and
Metamorphic Transformations in the Pyrshin and Abvar
Autonomous Anorthosite Massifs, Lapland Granulite Belt 
F. P. Mitrofanov and L. I. Nerovich 
p. 343   

Isotope Geothermometers: Applications and Limitations 
L. K. Levskii, I. M. Morozova, and V. M. Savatenkov 
p. 352   

Genesis of Melilitite Rocks of Pian di Celle Volcano,
Umbrian Kamafugite Province, Italy: 
Evidence from Melt Inclusions in Minerals 
L. I. Panina, F. Stoppa, and L. M. Usol’tseva 
p. 365   

Metamorphism of Paleoproterozoic Paragneisses 
in the Belarus–Podlyasie Granulite Belt:
Prograde–Retrograde Evolution 
L. N. Taran and S. V. Bogdanova  
p. 383   

Experimental Investigation of Carbonate–Silicate
Liquid Immiscibility with Applications to the
Formation of Barium–Strontium Carbonatites 
N. I. Suk 
p. 400