Petrology, 2003, V 11, N 2.

Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Melt Equilibrium as a Thermobarometer
for Mantle-Derived Magmas
A. V. Girnis 
p. 101  

Ultramylonites and Their Significance for the Understanding
of the History of the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa
L. L. Perchuk, L. V. Sazonova, D. D. van Reenen, and T. V. Gerya 
p. 114  

Composition and Age of the Penchenga Linear Carbonatite Complex, Yenisei Range
V. V. Vrublevskii, B. G. Pokrovskii, D. Z. Zhuravlev, and G. N. Anoshin 
p. 130  

Sources of Igneous Rocks and Genesis of the Early Mesozoic Tectonomagmatic Area 
of the Mongolia-Transbaikalia Magmatic Region: 1. Geology and Isotope 
V. I. Kovalenko, V. V. Yarmolyuk, E. B. Sal'nikova, S. V. Budnikov, V. P. 
Kovach, A. B. Kotov, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. D. Kozlov, and N. V. Vladykin 
p. 147  

Valer'yanovskii Volcanoplutonic Belt: Problems of Relationships
between Magmatism and Ore Formation
Yu. A. Poltavets and Z. I. Poltavets 
p. 161  

Geochemistry and Reconstruction of the Protolith Composition
of the Basement of the Pechenga Paleorift
V. R. Vetrin, O. M. Turkina, J. Ludden, and A. A. Delenitsyn 
p. 177