Petrology, 2002, V 10, N 6, November-December.

Geochemical Thermometry of the Layered Series Rocks of the Skaergaard Intrusion
A. A. Ariskin 
p. 495  

Experimental Study of Some Joins in the System
CaMgSi2O6-(Ca,Mg)3Al2Si3O12-KAlSi2O6-K2(Ca,Mg)(CO3)2 at 5-7 GPa
in Relation to the Genesis of Garnet-Clinopyroxene-Carbonate Rocks
of the Kokchetav Complex, Northern Kazakhstan
O. G. Safonov, Yu. A. Matveev, Yu. A. Litvin, and L. L. Perchuk 
p. 519  

Distinctive Features of Fumarolic Activity at Kudryavyi Volcano
in 1991-1999 and Its 1999 Phreatic Eruption
M. A. Korzhinsky, R. E. Botcharnikov, S. I. Tkachenko, N. N. Zhdanov,
and G. S. Steinberg 
p. 540  

Experimentally Established Geofluorimeters and the Fluorine Regime in Granite-
Related Fluids
A. M. Aksyuk 
p. 557  

EMF Study of the Pyrrhotite-Magnetite Equilibrium Using the Ag/Ag2S Gas Buffer
E. G. Osadchii, M. V. Fed'kin, and A. A. Kotova 
p. 570  

Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used in the Equilibrium-Dynamic
Simulations of Infiltration Metasomatic Zoning
D. V. Grichuk and Yu. V. Shvarov 
p. 580  

Author Index to Volume 10, 2002 
p. 593