Petrology, 2002, V 10, N 1.

Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Amphibole-Talc-Chlorite Metaserpentinites
in the Medium-Temperature Metamorphic Complex of Northern Veporic,
Western Carpathians: Phase Relations, Metamorphic Parameters, 
Comparison with Gneiss and Amphibolite Associations 
S. P. Korikovsky and M. Putis 
p. 1 

Correlation of Archean Rocks from the Kola Superdeep
Borehole and Their Analogues from the Surface: Evidence from 
Structural-Petrological, Petrophysical, and Neutron Diffraction Data 
K. V. Lobanov, V. I. Kazansky, A. V. Kuznetsov, A. V. Zharikov,
A. N. Nikitin, T. I. Ivankina, and N. V. Zamyatina 
p. 23 

Skarns of the Tarutinsk Skarn-Porphyry Copper Deposit, Southern Urals 
A. I. Grabezhev, E. A. Belgorodskii, V. I. Sotnikov, and V. G. Gmyra 
p. 39
Genesis of the Nyurundukan Ultramafic-Mafic Pluton, Baikal Mountain Land 
A. A. Tsygankov, A. V. Filimonov, T. T. Vrublevskaya, and A. V. Travkin 
p. 52
Distinctive Genetic Features of K-Rich Basites 
V. V. Zolotukhin and Yu. R. Vasil'ev 
p. 78