Petrology, 2001, V 9, N 2.

Early Stages of the Tectonic and Magmatic Development
of the Earth and Moon: Similarities and Differences
E. V. Sharkov and O. A. Bogatikov 
p. 97  

Two Types of Garnet-Clinopyroxene-Plagioclase Metabasites
in the Malá Fatra Mountains Crystalline Complex, Western Carpathians:
Metamorphic Evolution, P-T Conditions, Symplectitic and Kelyphitic Textures
S. P. Korikovsky and D. Hovorka 
p. 119  

Petrology of Peridotites from the Ophiolite Melange in Cape Povorotny,
Taigonos Peninsula, NE Russia: Mantle Processes beneath a Subduction Zone
B. A. Bazylev, S. A. Palandzhjan, A. V. Ganelin, S. A. Silantyev,
A. Ishiwatari, and G. G. Dmitrenko 
p. 142  

Geochemistry of Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Potassic Rocks
of the Early Evolutionary Stage in the Kamchatka Island Arc
G. B. Flerov, P. I. Fedorov, and T. G. Churikova 
p. 161  

On the Correlation between the Compositions of Mantle Inclusions
and Petrochemical Varieties of Kimberlites in Yakutian Diatremes
V. B. Vasilenko, N. N. Zinchuk, and L. G. Kuznetsova 
p. 179

p. 190