Petrology, 2000, V 8, N 4, July-August.

Modal Spaces for Some Peraluminous Quartzo Feldspathic Rocks and
Mica Schists
James B. Thompson 
p. 303  

Geodynamic Interpretation of the Subsolidus Recrystallization
of Mantle Spinel Peridotites: 2. Ophiolites and Xenoliths
B. A. Bazylev and S. A. Silantyev 
p. 311  

Magmatic Origin of the Ultramafic Mafic Association
of the Kytlym Massif, Platinum Belt of the Urals
A. N. Pertsev, G. N. Savelieva, and O. V. Astrakhantsev 
p. 332

Evolutionary Stages of the Continental Crust in the Buried Basement
of the Eastern Siberian Platform: Sm Nd Isotopic Data
V. P. Kovach, A. B. Kotov, A. P. Smelov, K. V. Staroseltsev,
E. B. Salnikova, N. Yu. Zagornaya, A. F. Safronov, and A.D. Pavlushin 
p. 353  

Vein Granites of the Burakovskii Layered Massif, Southern Karelia
M. M. Bogina, I. S. Krassivskaya, E. V. Sharkov, A. V.
Chistyakov, and N. G. Grinevich 
p. 366  

Genesis of Drusitic (Corona) Textures around Olivine
and Orthopyroxene during Metamorphism of Gabbroids in 
Northern Belomorie, Karelia
T. L. Larikova 
p. 384