Petrology, 2023, V 31, N 2.

Compositions of Kimberlite Melts: 
A Review of Melt Inclusions in Kimberlite Minerals
A. V. Golovin and V. S. Kamenetsky 
p. 143  

Highly Fractionated Granites of the Raumid 
Massif (S. Pamir): Oxygen Isotope and Geochemical Study
E. O. Dubinina, A. S. Avdeenko, V. N. Volkov, 
S. A. Kossova and E. V. Kovalchuk 
p. 179  

Variations in Trace Element and Isotope 
Composition of Neoarchean Mafic Granulites 
of the Southwest Siberian Craton: 
a Consequence of Various Mantle Sources 
or Crustal Contamination
O. M. Turkina 
p. 204  

Native Iron in Siberian Traps
M. D. Tomshin, A. G. Kopylova and 
A. E. Vasilyeva 
p. 223  

Moissanite in Rocks of the Bobruisk Basement 
Inlier, Belarusian Crystalline Massif, 
East European Craton
V. I. Levitskiy, I. V. Levitskiy, L. A. Pavlova 
and M. V. Lukashova 
p. 237