Petrology, 1999, V 7, N 1.
Phase and Nd Isotopic Equilibria in Drusites of Cape Tolstik
and the Tupaya Bay Area, Northwestern Belomorie, Baltic Shield
N. L. Alekseev, S. V. Lobach-Zhuchenko, E. S. Bogomolov,
L. K. Levsky, N. A. Arestova, G. M. Drugova, Yu. V. Amelin, and
V. F. Guseva p. 1
Experimental Melting of Spinel Lherzolites and the Problem
of the Primary Magma Genesis of Oceanic Basalts
V. K. Bulatov, A. V. Girnis, and G. P. Brey p. 21
Gabbroids of the Willing Massif, East Antarctica:
A Layered Intrusion in a Proterozoic Mobile Belt,
Geologic Structure and Chemical Composition
A. A. Laiba and E. V. Mikhalsky p. 32
High-Alumina Basaltic Volcanism of the Eastern Sikhote Alin:
Petrology and Geodynamics
Yu. A. Martynov p. 53
Post-Miocene Continental Alkaline Basaltic Volcanism of Northern Eurasia
E. A. Korago and A. N. Evdokimov p. 73
Convection and Redistribution of Alkalis and Trace Elements
during the Mingling of Basaltic and Rhyolitic Melts
I. N. Bindeman and A.M. Davis p. 91
The Role of Alkalis in the Formation of Coronitic Textures in
Metamangerites and Metaanorthosites from the Adirondack Complex, United States
O. G. Safonov p. 102