Petrology, 1998, V 6, N 4.

Oceanic Lithosphere: Problems of Genesis and Evolution 
p. 313  

Chemical Variability of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
as a Function of the Geodynamic Setting of Their Formation
L. V. Dmitriev 
p. 314  

Genesis of Peridotites from the Ophiolite Complex
of Macquarie Island, Southwestern Pacific Ocean
B. A. Bazylev and V. S. Kamenetsky 
p. 335  

Origin Conditions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Plutonic Complex at 13[frame0]
[frame1]17[frame2] N
S. A. Silantyev 
p. 351  

Petrology, Geochemistry, and Sm-Nd Age of the Pre-Late Hercynian
Paleooceanic Complex
of the Dzirula Salient, Transcaucasian Massif
G. S. Zakariadze, S. F. Karpenko, B. A. Bazylev, Sh. A. Adamia,
R. E. Oberhänsli, N. A. Solov[frame3]eva, and A. V. Lyalikov
p. 388