Petrology, 1998, V6, N2.
Sources of Intraplate Magmatism of Western Transbaikalia in the Late
Trace-Element and Isotope Data
V.V. Yarmolyuk, V. G. Ivanov, and V. I. Kovalenko p. 101
Anorogenic Nature of Magmatism in the Northern Baikal Volcanic Belt:
Evidence from Geochemical, Geochronological (U[frame1]Pb), and Isotopic
(Pb, Nd) Data
L. A. Neymark, A. M. Larin, A. A. Nemchin, G. V. Ovchinnikova,
and E. Yu. Rytsk p. 124
Petrology of the Mica Schists of the Tanaelv Belt
in the Southern Tectonic Framing of the Lapland Granulite Complex
L. L. Perchuk and A. V. Krotov p. 149
The Nature of Migmatites of the Polymetamorphic Complex of Tupaya Bay,
Kovdozero Lake
I. S. Sedova, A. P. Semenov, and E. I. Kravtsova p. 180