Petrology, 2022, V 30, N 1, Supplement 1.

Crystallization Parameters, Genesis of Melts, and Sources
of Magmas of the Late Cenozoic Udokan Volcanic Plateau,
Central Asia
V. V. Yarmolyuk, V. M. Savatenkov, A. M. Kozlovsky, 
F. M. Stupak, M. V. Kuznetsov and L. V. Shpakovich 
p. S1  

Carbonation of Serpentinites of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 
1. Geochemical Trends and Mineral Assemblages
S. A. Silantyev, E. A. Krasnova, D. D. Badyukov, 
A. V. Zhilkina, T. G. Kuzmina, A. S. Gryaznova 
and V. D. Shcherbakov 
p. S25  

Staurolite in Metabasites: P–T–X Parameters and 
the Ratios of Major Components as Criteria 
of Staurolite Stability
E. B. Borisova, Sh. K. Baltybaev and 
J. A. D. Connolly 
p. S53  

Grenville and Valhalla Tectonic Events at the Western 
Margin of the Siberian Craton: Evidence from Rocks 
of the Garevka Complex, Northern Yenisei Range, Russia
I. I. Likhanov 
p. S72  

The Monticellite-bearing Rocks of the Krestovskaya 
Intrusion: Genesis according to Melt Inclusion Study
L. I. Panina, A. T. Isakova and E. Yu. Rokosova 
p. S101  

Aegirine-Bearing Clinopyroxenes in Granulite 
Xenoliths from the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, 
Siberian Craton: Comparison of the Mössbauer 
and Micropobe Data
A. V. Sapegina, M. V. Voronin, A. L. Perchuk 
and O. G. Safonov 
p. S119  

Condensate in Impact Glass Samples from the 
Lonar Crater, India
T. A. Gornostaeva, A. V. Mokhov, A. P. Rybchuk 
and P. M. Kartashov 
p. S131  

Petrogenesis and Metallogeny of Intrusive 
Aplite Dyke from the Malanjkhand Pluton, 
Central India
Dinesh Pandit 
p. S140  

Ti and Cr in High-Pressure Mica: Experimental 
Study and Application to the Mantle Assemblages
A. A. Bendeliani, A. V. Bobrov, L. Bindi 
and N. N. Eremin 
p. S157