Petrology, 2016, V 24, N 1.
Condensate Glasses from the Zhamanshin Crater. I. Irghizites
T. A. Gornostaeva, A. V. Mokhov, P. M. Kartashov,
and O. A. Bogatikov
p. 1
Production of 3He in Rocks by Reactions Induced
by Particles of the Nuclear-Active
and Muon Components of Cosmic Rays: Geological
and Petrological Implications
A. V. Nesterenok and O. V. Yakubovich
p. 21
Conditions and Formation Mechanism of
Carbon Phases in Late Quarternary Geyzerites
and Travertines of Ol?khon Area and
Ol?khon Island (Baikal Rift Zone)
Yu. V. Danilova, T. G. Shumilova,
J. Mayer, and B. S. Danilov
p. 35
New Experimental Evidence on Cluster-Type
Vaporization of Feldspars
M. V. Gerasimov, Yu. P. Dikov, and
O. I. Yakovlev
p. 49
U-Pb Isotopic Study of the Gabbronorite?Anorthosite
Drusite (Coronite) Body
of Vorony Island (Kandalaksha Archipelago, the White Sea)
M. K. Sukhanov, F. P. Mitrofanov, T. B. Bayanova,
and A. V. Chistyakov
p. 75
Experimental Study of the Influence of Water
on the Buffer Equilibrium of Magnetite?Wustite
and Wustite?Metallic Iron
N. I. Bezmen, P. N. Gorbachev, and V. M. Martynenko
p. 84
Textural Relations, P-T path, Polymetamorphism
and Also Geodynamic Significance
of Metamorphic Rocks of the Aligudarz-Khonsar
Region, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran
Karimi Somaye and Tabatabaei Manesh Seyed Mohsen
p. 100