Mineralogy and Petrology, 2003, V 79, N 3-4, December.

  Progress in application of cathodoluminescence
  (CL) in sedimentary petrology  
   D. K. Richter, Th. Gotte, J. Gotze, et al.  
   pp. 127 - 166  
  Trace elements and cathodoluminescence of igneous
  quartz in topaz granites from the Hub Stock
  (Slavkovsky Les Mts., Czech Republic)   
  A. Muller, M. Rene, H.-J. Behr, et al.  
   pp. 167 - 191 
  Petrographic analysis using cathodoluminescence microscopy
  with simultaneous energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy   
  W. Vortisch, D. Harding, J. Morgan  
   pp. 193 - 202
  The north–south propagating spreading center of the North
  Fiji Basin. Modeling of the geochemical evolution in periodically
  replenished and tapped magma chambers  
  M. Caroff, C. Fleutelot  
  pp. 203 - 224   
  Wollastonite at the Sterling Hill Fe–Zn–Mn ore body,
  Ogdensburg, New Jersey  
  A. Duzs-Moore, P. B. Leavens, R. E. Jenkins II, et al.  
  pp. 225 - 241   
  Synthetic polycrystalline aragonite to calcite
  transformation kinetics: experiments at pressures
  close to the equilibrium boundary 
  W.-L. Huang  
   pp. 243 - 258    
  Comparison between magmatic activity and gold mineralization
  at Conical Seamount and Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea  
  D. Muller, L. Franz, S. Petersen, et al.  
  pp. 259 - 283   
  Telluride mineralogy of the low-sulfidation epithermal
  Emperor gold deposit, Vatukoula, Fiji  
  D. W. Pals, P. G. Spry  
  pp. 285 - 307