Mineralogy and Petrology, 2001, V 71, N 3-4.
ISSN: 0930-0708 (printed version)
ISSN: 1438-1168 (electronic version)
F. Pertlik:
Vulcanite, CuTe: hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure
M. E. Varela, G. Kurat, R. Clocchiatti:
Glass-bearing inclusions in Nakhla(SNC meteorite) augite:
heterogeneouslytrapped phases
N. Angeli, M. E. Fleet, Y. Thibault, M. A. F. Candia:
Metamorphism and PGE-Au content of chromitite from the Ipanema
mafic/ultramafic Complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil
G. Cruciani, M. Franceschelli, A. M. Caredda, G. Carcangiu:
Anatexis in the Hercynian basement of NE Sardinia, Italy: a
case study of the migmatite of Porto Ottiolu
J. Gцtze, M. Plцtze, D. Habermann:
Origin, spectral characteristics and practical applications of
the cathodoluminescence (CL) of quartz - a review
T. Kebede, U. S. Kloetzli, C. Koeberl:
U/Pb and Pb/Pb zircon ages from granitoid rocks of Wallagga
area: constraints on magmatic and tectonic evolution of
Precambrian rocks of western Ethiopia