Mineralogy and Petrology, 1999, V 66, N 1-3.

Special Issue: Witwatersrand and Vredefort - Metamorphism and
H. E. Frimmel 

The significance of the Vredefort Dome for the thermal and
structural evolution of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa 
R. L. Gibson and W. U. Reimold 

Pseudotachylitic breccias from fault zones in the
Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: evidence of
autometasomatism and post-brecciation alteration processes 
W. U. Reimold, C. Köberl, P. Fletcher, A. M. Killick, and J.
D. Wilson 

Gold mobilizing fluids in the Witwatersrand Basin: composition
and possible sources 
H. E. Frimmel, D. K. Hallbauer, and V. H. Gartz 

Characteristics of post-depositional fluids in the
Witwatersrand Basin 
G. R. Drennan, M.-C. Boiron, M. Cathelineau, and L. J. Robb 

A comparison of fluids causing post-depositional hydrothermal
alteration in Archaean basement granitoids and the
Witwatersrand Basin 
R. Klemd 

The metamorphic and alteration history of West Rand Group
shales from distal portions of the Witwatersrand Basin 
G. Stevens and R. F. Preston 

K-Ar dating of white micas from the Ventersdorp Contact Reef
of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: timing of
post-depositional alteration 
B. Zhao, N. Clauer, L. J. Robb, H. Zwingmann, T. Toulkeridis,
and F. M. Meyer 

Rn-Generated 206Pb in hydrothermal sulphide minerals and
bitumen from the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, South Africa 
R. E. Zartman and H. E. Frimmel