Mineralogy and Petrology, 2001, V 71, N 1-2.
ISSN: 0930-0708 (printed version)
ISSN: 1438-1168 (electronic version)
C. L. Lengauer, E. Tillmanns, G. Hentschel:
Batiferrite, Ba[Ti2Fe10]O19, a new ferrimagnetic
magnetoplumbite-type mineral from the Quaternary volcanic rocks
of the western Eifel area, Germany
Pp. 1-19
J. Maldener, F. Rauch, M. Gavranic, A. Beran:
OH absorption coefficients of rutile and cassiterite deduced
from nuclear reaction analysis and FTIR spectroscopy
Pp. 21-29
A. Castro:
Plagioclase morphologies in assimilation experiments.
Implications for disequilibrium melting in the generation of
granodiorite rocks
Pp. 31-49
I. I. Likhanov, A. A. Ten, V. A. Ananiev, V. V. Reverdatto, I.Memmi:
Inverse modeling approach for obtaining kinetic parameters of
diffusion-controlled metamorphic reactions in the Kharlovo
Contact Aureole (South Siberia, Russia)
Pp. 51-65
L. Zhang, M. Sun, B. Xu:
Phase relations in garnet-bearing metabasites of
prehnite-pumpellyite facies from the Darbut-Sartuohai
ophiolite, Western Junggar of Xinjiang, China
Pp. 67-85
A. Borisov:
Loop technique: dynamics of metal/melt equilibration
Pp. 87-94
C. A. Hauzenberger, A. Mogessie, G. Hoinkes, A. Felfernig, E.
A. Bjerg, J. Kostadinoff, S. Delpino, L. Dimieri:
Metamorphic evolution of the Sierras de San Luis, Argentina:
granulite facies metamorphism related to mafic intrusions
Pp. 95-126
E. Bourdon, C. Hémond:
Looking for the "missing endmember" in South Atlantic Ocean
mantle around Ascension Island
Pp. 127-138
F. Tecce, F. Rossetti, R. Funiciello:
short communication: Re-equilibration textures of fluid
inclusionsin exhumed high-pressure rocks: the exampleof the
Tuscan Archipelago (NorthernTyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
Pp. 139-147