Mineralogical Magazine, 1999, V 63, N 5 (420), October.
T. R. Riley, D. K. Bailey, R. E. Harmer, H. Liebsch F. E. Lloyd and M. R. Palmer:
Isotopic and geochemical investigation of a
carbonatite-syenite-phonolite diatreme, West Eifel (Germany)
O. Vidal and L Durin:
Aluminium mass transfer and diffusion in water at 400-550°C, 2 kbar
in the K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system driven by a thermal gradient or
by a variation of temperature with time
F. Bellatrecia, G. Della Ventura, E. Caprilli, C. T. Williams, and G. C. Parodi:
Crystal-chemistry of zirconolite and calzirtite
from Jacupiranga, São Paulo (Brazil)
P. Comodi, Y. Liu, F. Stoppa and A.R. Woolley :
A multi-method analysis of Si-, S- and REE-rich apatite from a new find of
kalsilite-bearing leucitite (Abruzzi, Italy).
L. Pacaud, J. Ingrin and O. Jaoul:
High-temperature diffusion of oxygen in synthetic diopside measured
by nuclear reaction analysis
S.C. Sherlock and A. I. Okay:
Oscillatory zoned chrome lawsonite in the Tavsanli Zone, northwest Turkey
N. Niimi, N. Aikawa, and K. Shinoda:
The IR absorption band at 3596 cm-1 of the recrystallized quartz from Mt.
Takamiyama, southwest Japan
A. G. Dessai and O. Vaselli:
Petrology and geochemistry of xenoliths in lamprophyres from the Deccan Traps:
implications for the nature of the deep crust boundary in western India
S. Ghosal and R. O. Sack:
Bi-Sb energetics in sulfosalts and sulfides
A. Pring, U. Kolitsch, W.D. Birch, B.D. Beyer, P. Elliot, P. Ayappan and A. Ramanan:
Bariosincosite, a new hydrated barium vanadium phosphate,
from the Spring Creek Mine, South Australia
P.K. Chattopadhyay:
Zn-spinel in the metamorphosed Zn-Pb-Cu sulphide deposit at Mamandur,
southern India
L.A.J. Garvie:
Sideronatrite and metasideronatrite efflorescence formed in a coastal
sea-spray environment
D. Atencio:
`Coutinite', `coutinhite' and `neodymite' discredited as identical to
lanthanite-(La) and/or lanthanite-(Nd)