Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, V 67, N 4, August.
Kerry Anthony Rodgers: an appreciation i
Jack A. Grant-Mackie; Murray R. Gregory
Foreword iii
Paul Hoskin
Titanium coordination in silicate glasses investigated
using O K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy
G. S. Henderson; Xiaoyang Liu; M. E. Fleet
Blueschist and eclogite in tectonic melange,
Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia
D. J. Och; E. C. Leitch; G. Caprarelli; T. Watanabe
Zeolite crystal habits, compositions, and paragenesis;
Blackhead Quarry, Dunedin, New Zealand
I. T. Graham; R. E. Pogson; D. M. Colchester; A. Baines
Rhonite paragenesis in pyroxenite xenoliths, Mount Sidley
volcano, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
R. H. Grapes; R. J. Wysoczanski; P. W. O. Hoskin
Pyrometamorphic breakdown of cordierite - muscovite intergrowths
R. H. Grapes
Kinetic parameters associated with self-heating of New Zealand
coals under adiabatic conditions
B. B. Beamish; J. D. St. George; M. A. Barakat
Geochemistry of a high-T hydrothermal dolostone from the Emirli
(Odemis, western Turkey) Sb-Au deposit
M. Akcay; H. M. Ozkan; B. Spiro; R. Wilson; P. W. O. Hoskin
Ion exchange between aqueous fluid and spent nuclear fuel
alteration products: Implications for the mobility of Cs
in the probable repository at Yucca Mountain
P. W. O. Hoskin; P. C. Burns
Water solubility and diffusivity in olivine: its role
in planetary tectonics
K. Regenauer-Lieb; T. Kohl
Al-rich diopside in alluvial ruby and corundum-bearing
xenoliths, Australian and SE Asian basalt fields
F. L. Sutherland; R. R. Coenraads; D. Schwarz;
L. R. Raynor; B. J. Barron; G. B. Webb
Hydroxylian pseudorutile derived from picroilmenite
in the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia
I. E. Grey
Evolutionary stages of crystallization of weakly peralkaline
syenites: evidence from ejecta in the plinian deposits
of Agua de Pau volcano (Sao Miguel, Azores Islands)
F. Ridolfi; A. Renzulli; P. Santi; B. G. J. Upton
Fluoronyboite from Jianchang (Su-Lu, China) and nyboite from Nybo
(Nordfjord, Norway): a petrological and crystal-chemical
comparison of these two high-pressure amphiboles
R. Oberti; M. Boiocchi; D. C. Smith
Nickelphosphide from the Vicenice octahedrite: Rietveld crystal
structure refinement of a synthetic analogue
R. Skala; M. Drabek
On the significance of small deviations from higher symmetry
W. H. Baur; R. X. Fischer
Textural and spectroscopic studies on hydrothermal dumortierite
from an Al-rich clay deposit, southeastern Korea
C. O. Choo; Y. Kim
Geochemistry of biotite in metabentonites as an age discriminant,
indicator of regional magma sources and potential correlating tool
R. A. Batchelor
2002 Mineralogical Society Schlumberger Medal
Book Reviews