Mineralogical Magazine, 2006, V 70, N 2, April.
Formation of emeralds at pegmatite-ultramafic
contacts based on fluid inclusions in Kianjavato
emerald, Mananjary deposits, Madagascar
Ye. Vapnik; I. Moroz; M. Roth; I. Eliezri
Emeralds from the Delbegetey deposit (Kazakhstan):
mineralogical characteristics and fluid-inclusion study
E. V. Gavrilenko; B. Calvo Perez; R. Castroviejo Bolibar;
D. Garcia del Amo
A Variscan slow-spreading ridge (MOR-LHOT) in Limousin
(French Massif Central): magmatic evolution and
tectonic setting inferred from mineral chemistry
J. Berger; O. Femenias; J.-C. C. Mercier; D. Demaiffe
57Fe Mossbauer effect study of bannisterite:
a modulated 2:1-type phyllosilicate
E. A. Ferrow
The crystal structure of perhamite
S. Mills; G. Mumme; I. Grey; P. Bordet
An ephemeral pentasodium phosphate carbonate
from natrocarbonatite lapilli, Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
R. H. Mitchell
Water-related IR characteristics in natural fibrous diamonds
D. A. Zedgenizov; A. A. Shiryaev; V. S. Shatsky; H. Kagi
Extensive dolomitic volcanism through the Limagne Basin,
central France: a new form of carbonatite activity
K. Bailey; S. Kearns; J. Mergoil; J. Mergoil Daniel; B. Paterson