Mineralogical Magazine, 1999, V 63, N 2, Apr.
ISSN 0026-461X
Luminescence phenomena in minerals: Thematic set. [Editorial Material]
Finch A.
pp 147
Defect structure and luminescence behaviour of agate - results of electron
paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and cathodoluminescence (CL) studies.
Gotze J; Plotze M; Fuchs H; Habermann D.
pp 149-+
Magmatic and metasomatic processes during formation of the Nb-Zr-REE
deposits Khaldzan Buregte and Tsakhir (Mongolian Altai): Indications from
a combined CL-SEM study.
Kempe U; Gotze J; Dandar S; Habermann D.
pp 165-+
High-resolution cathodoluminescence combined with SHRIMP ion probe
measurements of detrital zircons.
Gotze J; Kempe U; Habermann D; Nasdala L; Neuser RD; Richter DK.
pp 179-+
Petrogenesis of plagioclase phenocrysts of Mount Etna, Sicily, with
particular reference to the 1983 eruption: contribution from
cathodoluminescence petrography.
Stirling D; Duncan AM; Guest JE; Finch AA.
pp 189-+
Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of rare-earth elements in
Gaft M; Panczer G; Uspensky E; Reisfeld R.
pp 199-210
Recent examples of cathodoluminescence as a probe of surface structure and
Townsend PD; Karali T; Rowlands AP; Smith VA; Vazquez G.
pp 211-226
Asymmetric zoning profiles in garnet from HP-HT granulite and implications
for volume and grain-boundary diffusion.
O'Brien PJ.
pp 227-238
The chemical composition of uraninite in Variscan granites of the
Erzgebirge, Germany.
Forster HJ.
pp 239-252
Goldmanite from the black slates of the Ogcheon belt, Korea. [Abstract
Jeong GY; Kim YH.
pp 253-256
Crystal chemistry and significance of cation ordering in Mg-Al rich
spinels from high-grade hornfels (Predazzo-Monzoni, NE Italy).
Princivalle F; Della Giusta A; De Min A; Piccirillo EM.
pp 257-262
'Face-to-face' relationships between oxocentred tetrahedra and
cation-centred tetrahedral oxyanions in crystal structures of minerals and
inorganic compounds.
Krivovichev SV; Starova GL; Filatov SK.
pp 263-266
Nomenclature of the micas.
Rieder M; Cavazzini G; D'Yakonov YS; Frank-Kamenetskii VA; Gottardi G;
Guggenheim S; Koval PV; Muller G; Neiva AMR; Radoslovich EW; Robert JL;
Sassi FP; Takeda H; Weiss Z; Wones DR.
pp 267-279
Prof. Ansel C. Dunham, 1938-1998 - Obituary. [Item about an Individual]
Scott PW.
pp 287-288
Prof. Alan D. Edgar, 1935-1998. [Item about an Individual]
Lloyd FE.
pp 288-289
Prof. G. Tunell (1900-1996). [Item about an Individual]
Newton RC.
pp 289-290