Lithos, 2004, V 78, N 4, December.

 Empirical garnet-muscovite-plagioclase-quartz 
 geobarometry in medium- to high-grade metapelites  ; 
 Chun-Ming Wu, Jian Zhang and Liu-Dong Ren
 Pages 319-332 
 Accurate quantification of melt inclusion
 chemistry by LA-ICPMS: a comparison
 with EMP and SIMS and advantages 
 and possible limitations of these methods  ; 
 Thomas Pettke, Werner E. Halter, 
 James D. Webster, Mario Aigner-Torres 
 and Christoph A. Heinrich
 Pages 333-361
 Depleted arc volcanism in the Alboran
 Sea and shoshonitic volcanism in Morocco:
 geochemical and isotopic constraints on
 Neogene tectonic processes  ; 
 R.C.O. Gill, A. Aparicio, M. El Azzouzi, 
 J. Hernandez, M.F. Thirlwall, J. Bourgois
 and G.F. Marriner
 Pages 363-388 
 Comprehensive chemical analyses of 
 natural cordierites: implications for 
 exchange mechanisms  ; 
 Christian Bertoldi, Alexander Proyer, 
 Dieter Garbe-Sch;nberg, Harald Behren
 s and Edgar Dachs
 Pages 389-409 
 Tracing the protolith, UHP metamorphism, 
 and exhumation ages of orthogneiss from
 the SW Sulu terrane (eastern China): 
 SHRIMP U;Pb dating of mineral 
 inclusion-bearing zircons  ; 
 Fulai Liu, Zhiqin Xu and Huaimin Xue
 Pages 411-429 
 Author index to volume 78  ;
Pages 431-432 
 Contents of volume 78  ; 
 Pages 433-434 
 Editorial Board  ; 
 Page CO2