Lithos, 2001, V 56, N 4, April.

Shaohai Chen et al.
Thermal and petrological structure of the lithosphere beneath
Hannuoba, Sino-Korean Craton, China: evidence from xenoliths

 M. Tichomirowa et al.
Zircon ages of high-grade gneisses in the Eastern Erzgebirge
(Central European Variscides)[--]constraints on origin of the
rocks and Precambrian to Ordovician magmatic events in the
Variscan foldbelt  

 A.N. Pilipiuk, V.V. Ivanikov and A.G. Bulakh
Unusual rocks and mineralisation in a new carbonatite complex
at Kandaguba, Kola Peninsula, Russia

Author index to volume 56