Lithos, 2000, V 51, N 4, June.

S.A. Prevec, P.C. Lightfoot, R.R. Keays, Evolution of the sublayer of the
Sudbury Igneous Complex: geochemical, Sm--Nd isotopic and petrologic
pp. 271-292

R.V. Fodor, B.B. Hanan, Geochemical evidence for the Trindade hotspot
trace: Columbia seamount ankaramite,  
pp. 293-304

A. Kühn, J. Glodny, K. Iden, H. Austrheim, Retention of Precambrian Rb/Sr
phlogopite ages through Caledonian eclogite facies metamorphism, Bergen Arc
Complex, W-Norway,  
pp. 305-330

Charlotte M. Allen, Evolution of a post-batholith dike swarm in central
coastal Queensland, Australia: arc-front to backarc?, 
pp. 331-349