Lithos, 2004, V 78, N 3, November.

 Geochemistry and metamorphic evolution of the
 Pohorje Mountain eclogites from the easternmost
 Austroalpine basement of the Eastern Alps
 (Northern Slovenia)  ; 
 Raffaele Sassi, Claudio Mazzoli, Christine Miller 
 and Jurgen Konzett
 Pages 235-261
 Granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths from the Deccan
 Trap: insight into the nature and composition
 of the lower lithosphere beneath cratonic India  ; 
 A. G. Dessai, A. Markwick, O. Vaselli and H. Downes
 Pages 263-290
 Origin of early Cretaceous calc-alkaline lamprophyre
 s from the Sulu orogen in eastern China: implications
 for enrichment processes beneath continental
 collisional belt  ; 
 Feng Guo, Weiming Fan, Yuejun Wang and Ming Zhang
 Pages 291-305
 Exhumation of high-pressure rocks of the Kokchetav
 massif: facts and models  ; 
 N. L. Dobretsov and V. S. Shatsky
 Pages 307-318 
 Editorial Board  ; 
 Page CO2