Lithos, 2000, V 51, N 3, March.

S. Jung, S. Hoernes, K. Mezger, Geochronology and petrology of migmatites
from the Proterozoic Damara Belt --- importance of episodic fluid-present
disequilibrium melting and consequences for granite petrology, 
pp. 153-179

Robert L. Cullers, The geochemistry of shales, siltstones and sandstones of
Pennsylvanian--Permian age, Colorado, USA: implications for provenance and
metamorphic studies, 
pp. 181-203

K.M. Goodenough, B.G.J. Upton, R.M. Ellam, Geochemical evolution of the
Ivigtut granite, South Greenland: a fluorine-rich "A-type" intrusion,
pp. 205-221

G. Mark, D.R.W. Foster, Magmatic--hydrothermal
albite--actinolite--apatite-rich rocks from the Cloncurry district, NW
Queensland, Australia, 
pp. 223-245

Hans Årebäck, Jimmy Stigh, The nature and origin of an anorthosite
associated ilmenite-rich leuconorite, Hakefjorden Complex, south-west
pp. 247-267

Jeff Harris, "The Diamond Makers" by Robert M. Hazen, 
pp. 269