Lithos, 2004, V 75, N 3-4, August.

 A geochemical and Nd isotopic study of Barberton
 komatiites (South Africa): implication
 for the Archean mantle  ; 
 Valerie Chavagnac
 Pages 253-281 
 A counterclockwise PTt path of high-pressure/low-temperature
 rocks from the Coastal Cordillera accretionary complex
 of south-central Chile: constraints for the
 earliest stage of subduction mass flow  ; 
 A. P. Willner, J. Glodny, T. V. Gerya, E. Godoy 
 and H. -J. Massonne
 Pages 283-310 
 Abiogenic Fischer;Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons
 in alkaline igneous rocks; fluid inclusion, textural
 and isotopic evidence from the Lovozero
 complex, N.W. Russia  ; 
 Joanna Potter, Andrew H. Rankin and
 Peter J. Treloar
 Pages 311-330 
 Mechanism of arrested charnockite formation
 at Nemmara, Palghat region, southern India  ; 
 G. R. Ravindra Kumar
 Pages 331-358
 High-Mg diorites derived from sanukitic HMA
 magmas, Kyushu Island, southwest Japan arc:
 evidence from clinopyroxene and whole
 rock compositions  ; 
 Atsushi Kamei, Masaaki Owada,
 Takashi Nagao and Keiichi Shiraki
  Pages 359-371
 Rb;Sr and Sm;Nd isotopic compositions of the
 Rooiberg Group, South Africa: early 
 Bushveld-related volcanism  ; 
 P. C. Buchanan, W. U. Reimold, 
 C. Koeberl and F. J. Kruger
 Pages 373-388 
 Assimilation and crystal accumulation in 
 a mid-crustal magma chamber: the 
 Sausfjellet pluton, north-central Norway  ; 
 C. G. Barnes, G. Dumond, A. S. Yoshinobu
 and T. Prestvik
 Pages 389-412 
 Geochemical and isotopic investigation of the
 Laiwu;Zibo carbonatites from western Shandong
 Province, China, and implications for their
 petrogenesis and enriched mantle source  ; 
 Jifeng Ying, Xinhua Zhou and Hongfu Zhang
 Pages 413-426 
 Author index to volume 75  ; 
Pages 427-428 
 Contents of volume 75  ; 
Pages 429-430