Lithos, 2003, V 70, N 3-4, October.

6th International Eclogite Conference:
Eclogites and Related High and Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Rocks
Niihama, Shikoku, Japan, 1 September - 7 September 2001
Edited by A. Takasu, T. Hirajima, L.G. Medaris Jr., P.J. O'Brien
Ehime Prefecture, Niihama City, Doi Town, Besshiyama Village, Ehime University,
Okayama University of Science, JSPS, Tokyo Geographical Society,
Inoue Foundation for Science, Sumiko Consultants Co., CIMP

1. Ultrarapid exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure diamond-bearing metasedimentary rocks of the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan?, Bradley R. Hacker, Andrew Calvert, R. Y. Zhang, W. Gary Ernst and J. G. Liou Pages 61-75 2. Oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope geochemistry of diamond-bearing carbonate rocks from Kumdy-Kol, Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan, M. Ohta, T. Mock, Y. Ogasawara and D. Rumble Pages 77-90 3. Very fast exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks with excess 40Ar and inherited 87Sr, Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain, Koen de Jong Pages 91-110 4. Strain partitioning and preservation of 40Ar/39Ar ages during Variscan exhumation of a subducted crust Malpica–Tui complex, NW Spain), J. Rodriguez, M. A. Cosca, J. I. Gil Ibarguchi and R. D. Dallmeyer Pages 111-139 5. Conditions and timing of high-pressure Variscan metamorphism in the South Carpathians, Romania, Gordon Medaris, Jr. , Mihai Ducea, Ed Ghent and Viorica Iancu Pages 141-161 6. Experimental evidence for diamond-facies metamorphism in the Dora-Maira massif, Jorg Hermann Pages 163-182 7. The preservation of high-pressure rocks during exhumation: metagranites and metapelites, Alexander Proyer Pages 183-194 8. Petrology, geochemistry and isotopic ages of eclogites from the Dulan UHPM Terrane, the North Qaidam, NW China, Shuguang Song, Jingsui Yang, J. G. Liou, Cailai Wu, Rendeng Shi and Zhiqin Xu Pages 195-211 9. Continental subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks. Structural and geochronological insights from the Dabieshan (East China), Michel Faure, Wei Lin, Urs Scharer, Liangshu Shu, Yan Sun and Nicolas Arnaud Pages 213-241 10. Petrogenesis of the Maowu pyroxenite–eclogite body from the UHP metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan: chemical and isotopic constraints, Bor-ming Jahn, Qicheng Fan, Jian-Jun Yang and O. Henin Pages 243-267 11. Transition of UHP eclogites to gneissic rocks of low-amphibolite facies during exhumation: evidence from the Dabie terrane, central China, Ru Y. Zhang, Juhn G. Liou, Yong F. Zheng and Bin Fu Pages 269-291 12. Fluid inclusions in granulites, granulitized eclogites and garnet clinopyroxenites from the Dabie–Sulu terranes, eastern China, Bin Fu, Jacques L. R. Touret, Yong-Fei Zheng and Bor-ming Jahn Pages 293-319 13. Two types of gneisses associated with eclogite at Shuanghe in the Dabie terrane: carbon isotope, zircon U–Pb dating and oxygen isotope, Yong-Fei Zheng, Bing Gong, Zi-Fu Zhao, Bin Fu and Yi-Liang Li Pages 321-343 14. Eclogites preserved as pebbles in Jurassic conglomerate, Dabie Mountains, China, Qingchen Wang, Renwei Li, Daoxuan Wang and Shuangying Li Pages 345-357 15. Titanian clinohumite–garnet–pyroxene rock from the Su-Lu UHP metamorphic terrane, China: chemical evolution and tectonic implications, Jian-Jun Yang Pages 359-379 16. Micro-XANES determination of ferric iron and its application in thermobarometry, R. Schmid, M. Wilke, R. Oberhansli, K. Janssens, G. Falkenberg, L. Franz and A. Gaab Pages 381-392 17. Author index to volume 70, Pages 393-394 18. Contents of volume 70, Pages 395-396 19. Sixth international eclogite conference: Eclogites and Related High and Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Rocks, A. TakasuT. HirajimaL. G. Medaris, Jr. P. J. O'Brien Pages vii-x 20. Editorial Board, Page CO2