Lithos, 2000, V 53, N 2, August.

Wolfgang Seifert, Horst Kämpf, Jürgen Wasternack, Compositional variation
in apatite, phlogopite and other accessory minerals of the ultramafic
Delitzsch complex, Germany: implication for cooling history of
pp. 81-100

P.B.A. Sgarbi, J.C. Gaspar, J.G. Valença, Clinopyroxene from Brazilian
pp. 101-116

Philippe Boulvais, Serge Fourcade, Bernard Moine, Gérard Gruau, Michel
Cuney, Rare-earth elements distribution in granulite-facies marbles: a
witness of fluid--rock interaction,  
pp. 117-126

Synnøve Elvevold, Jane A. Gilotti, Pressure--temperature evolution of
retrogressed kyanite eclogites, Weinschenk Island, North--East Greenland
pp. 127-147

Jean-Pierre Lorand, Gerhard Schmidt, Herbert Palme, Karl-Ludwig Kratz,
Highly siderophile element geochemistry of the Earth's mantle: new data for
the Lanzo (Italy) and Ronda (Spain) orogenic peridotite bodies, 
pp. 149-164