Lithos, 1999, V 46, N 2, Feb.

Pete Hollings, Derek Wyman, Trace element and Sm--Nd systematics of
volcanic and intrusive rocks from the 3 Ga Lumby Lake Greenstone belt,
Superior Province: evidence for Archean plume--arc interaction, 
pp. 189-213

A.L. Heatherington, P.A. Mueller, Lithospheric sources of North Florida,
USA tholeiites and implications for the origin of the Suwannee terrane,
pp. 215-233

Martial Caroff, Hervé Guillou, Michaël Lamiaux, René C. Maury, Gérard
Guille, Joseph Cotten, Assimilation of ocean crust by hawaiitic and
mugearitic magmas: an example from Eiao (Marquesas), 
pp. 235-258

Luca Bindi, Daniela Cellai, Leone Melluso, Sandro Conticelli, Vincenzo
Morra, Silvio Menchetti, Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxene from alkaline
undersaturated rocks of the Monte Vulture Volcano, Italy, 
pp. 259-274

Valérie Chavagnac, Thomas F. Nägler, Jan D. Kramers, Migmatization by
metamorphic segregation at subsolidus conditions: implications for Nd--Pb
isotope exchange,  
pp. 275-298

Xisheng Xu, Chuanwan Dong, Wuxian Li, Xinmin Zhou, Late Mesozoic intrusive
complexes in the coastal area of Fujian, SE China: the significance of the
gabbro-diorite--granite association,  
pp. 299-315

Tore Prestvik, Tore Torske, Bjørn Sundvoll, Haraldur Karlsson, Petrology of
early Tertiary nephelinites off mid-Norway. Additional evidence for an
enriched endmember of the ancestral Iceland plume,  
pp. 317-330