Lithos, 2003, V 71, N 2-4, December.

A Tale of Two Cratons: The Slave-Kaapvaal Workshop
Merrickville, Ontario, Canada, 5 September - 9 September 2001
Edited by: A.G. Jones, R.W. Carlson, H. Grutter

 The late Archean record: a puzzle in ca. 35 pieces, 
 Wouter Bleeker
 Pages 99-134 
 Cratonic mantle roots, remnants of a more chondritic Archean mantle?, 
 Don Francis
 Pages 135-152 

 The timing of kimberlite magmatism in North America: implications
 for global kimberlite genesis and diamond exploration, 
 L. M. Heaman, B. A. Kjarsgaard and R. A. Creaser
 Pages 153-184 

 Thermal and chemical variations in subcrustal cratonic lithosphere:
 evidence from crustal isostasy, 
 Walter D. Mooney and John E. Vidale
 Pages 185-193 

 A classification scheme for mantle-derived garnets in kimberlite:
 a tool for investigating the mantle and exploring for diamonds,
 Daniel J. Schulze
 Pages 195-213 

 The evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the Kalahari
 Craton and its margins, 
 W. L. Griffin, Suzanne Y. O'Reilly, L. M. Natapov and C. G. Ryan
 Pages 215-241 

 Regional patterns in the paragenesis and age of inclusions
 in diamond, diamond composition, and the lithospheric seismic
 structure of Southern Africa, 
 Steven B. Shirey, Jeffrey W. Harris, Stephen H. Richardson,
 Matthew Fouch, David E. James, Pierre Cartigny,
 Peter Deines and Fanus Viljoen
 Pages 243-258 

 Samples of Proterozoic iron-enriched mantle from the
 Premier kimberlite, 
 K. O. Hoal
 Pages 259-272 

 Mesozoic thermal evolution of the southern African
 mantle lithosphere, 
 David R. Bell, Mark D. Schmitz and Philip E. Janney
 Pages 273-287 

 The origin of garnet and clinopyroxene in "depleted"
 Kaapvaal peridotites, 
 Nina S. C. Simon, Gordon J. Irvine, Gareth R. Davies,
 D. Graham Pearson and Richard W. Carlson
 Pages 289-322 

 Re–Os systematics of diamond-bearing eclogites
 from the Newlands kimberlite, 
 A. H. Menzies, R. W. Carlson, S. B. Shirey and J. J. Gurney
 Pages 323-336 

 Trace element geochemistry of coesite-bearing eclogites
 from the Roberts Victor kimberlite, Kaapvaal craton,  
 D. E. Jacob, B. Schmickler and D. J. Schulze
 Pages 337-351

 Mantle structure and composition to 800-km depth beneath
 southern Africa and surrounding oceans from broadband
 body waves,  
 R. E. Simon, C. Wright, M. T. O. Kwadiba and E. M. Kgaswane
 Pages 353-367

 South African seismicity, April 1997 to April 1999, and regional
 variations in the crust and uppermost mantle of the Kaapvaal craton, 
 C. Wright, E. M. Kgaswane, M. T. O. Kwadiba, R. E. Simon,
 T. K. Nguuri and R. McRae-Samuel
 Pages 369-392 

 Pn arrivals and lateral variations of Moho geometry beneath
 the Kaapvaal craton, 
 M. T. O. G. Kwadiba, C. Wright, E. M. Kgaswane,
 R. E. Simon and T. K. Nguuri
 Pages 393-411 

 Crustal structure of the Kaapvaal craton and its significance
 for early crustal evolution, 
 David E. James, Fenglin Niu and Juliana Rokosky
 Pages 413-429 

 Major and trace element geochemistry of plutonic rocks from
 Francistown, NE Botswana: evidence for a Neoarchaean
 continental active margin in the Zimbabwe craton, 
 A. B. Kampunzu, A. R. Tombale, M. Zhai, Z. Bagai,
 T. Majaule and M. P. Modisi
 Pages 431-460 

 A Re–Os isotope and PGE study of kimberlite-derived
 peridotite xenoliths from Somerset Island and a comparison
 to the Slave and Kaapvaal cratons, 
 Gordon J. Irvine, D. Graham Pearson, B. A. Kjarsgaard,
 R. W. Carlson, M. G. Kopylova and G. Dreibus
 Pages 461-488 

 Peridotitic diamonds from the Slave and the Kaapvaal
 cratons––similarities and differences
 based on a preliminary data set, 
 Thomas Stachel, Jeff W. Harris, Ralf Tappert and Gerhard P. Brey
 Pages 489-503 

 The electrical structure of the Slave craton, 
 Alan G. Jones, Pamela Lezaeta, Ian J. Ferguson,
 Alan D. Chave, Rob L. Evans, Xavier Garcia and Jessica Spratt
 Pages 505-527 

 Two anisotropic layers in the Slave craton, 
 D. B. Snyder, M. G. Bostock and G. D. Lockhart
 Pages 529-539 

 Petrology and U–Pb geochronology of lower crustal
 xenoliths and the development of a craton, Slave Province,
 W. J. Davis, D. Canil, J. M. MacKenzie and G. B. Carbno
 Pages 541-573

 Lithosphere development in the Slave craton: a linked
 crustal and mantle perspective, 
 W. J. Davis, A. G. Jones, W. Bleeker and H. Grutter
 Pages 575-589 

 Author index to volume 71, 
 Pages 591-593 

 Contents of volume 71, 
 Pages 595-596 

 Editorial Board, 
 Page CO2 

 The Slave–Kaapvaal workshop: a tale of two cratons, 
 Alan G. JonesRichard W. CarlsonHerman Grutter
 Pages ix-xi