Lithos, 2001, V 56, N 2-3, March.
Kurkura Kabeto, Yoshihiro Sawada, Shigeru Iizumi and Toshiyuki Wakatsuki
Mantle sources and magma-crust interactions in volcanic rocks
from the northern Kenya rift: geochemical evidence
Surendra P. Verma
Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic evidence for a combined
assimilation and fractional crystallisation process for
volcanic rocks from the Huichapan caldera, Hidalgo, Mexico
Tod E. Waight, Roland Maas and Ian A. Nicholls
Geochemical investigations of microgranitoid enclaves in the
S-type Cowra Granodiorite, Lachlan Fold Belt, SE Australia
Jianxin Zhang, Zeming Zhang, Zhiqin Xu, Jingsui Yang and Junwen Cui
Petrology and geochronology of eclogites from the western
segment of the Altyn Tagh, northwestern China
Gonca GenŠ·aliolu Kucu and Peter A. Floyd
Mineral compositional and textural evidence for magma
mingling in the Saraykent volcanics
Aley El-Din K. El-Shazly
Are pressures for blueschists and eclogites overestimated?
The case from NE Oman
Giampiero Poli
Potassic igneous rocks and associated gold-copper
mineralization - By Daniel Muller and David I. Groves,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2000. Hardcover,
XIII+252 p., price DM 129.00