Lithos, 2001, V 56, N 1, 1 February.
Leo M. Kriegsman, Prograde and retrograde processes in crustal melting,
pp. ix-xi
F. Holtz, W. Johannes, N. Tamic, H. Behrens, Maximum and minimum water
contents of granitic melts generated in the crust: a reevaluation and
pp. 1-14
A. Acosta-Vigil, M.D. Pereira, D.M. Shaw, D. London, Contrasting behaviour
of boron during crustal anatexis,
pp. 15-31
Alan Bruce Thompson, Clockwise P--T paths for crustal melting and H2O
recycling in granite source regions and migmatite terrains,
pp. 33-45
K. Mengel, M. Richter, W. Johannes, Leucosome-forming small-scale
geochemical processes in the metapelitic migmatites of the Turku area,
pp. 47-73
Leo M. Kriegsman, Partial melting, partial melt extraction and partial back
reaction in anatectic migmatites,
pp. 75-96
David J. Waters, The significance of prograde and retrograde quartz-bearing
intergrowth microstructures in partially melted granulite-facies rocks,
pp. 97-110