Lithos, 2003, V 67, N 1-2, March.

Extensional tectonics and mafic plutons in the Ketilidian rapakivi granite
suite of South Greenland, 
P. E. Brown, T. J. Dempster, D. H. W. Hutton and S. M. Becker
Pages 1-13

A sulphide-bearing orthopyroxenite layer in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Intrusion, 
Norway: implications for processes during magma-chamber replenishment,
K. K. Jensen, J. R. Wilson, B. Robins and F. Chiodoni
Pages 15-37

Pb isotope evidence for contributions from different Iceland mantle components 
to Palaeogene East Greenland flood basalts, 
David W. Peate and Ole Stecher
Pages 39-52

Magmagenesis at the Eocene Electric Peak-Sepulcher Mountain complex, Absaroka 
Volcanic Province, USA, 
C. R. Lindsay and T. C. Feeley
Pages 53-76

Granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic Basalts in SE China provide geochemical 
fingerprints to distinguish lower crust terranes from the North and South China 
tectonic blocks, 
Jin-Hai Yu, Xisheng Xu, Suzanne Y. O'Reilly, W. L. Griffin and Ming Zhang
Pages 77-102 

Partial melting and recrystallization of granite and their application to deep 
disposal of radioactive waste: Part 1--Rationale and partial melting,
P. G. Attrill and F. G. F. Gibb
Pages 103-117

Partial melting and recrystallization of granite and their application to deep 
disposal of radioactive waste: Part 2--Recrystallization, 
P. G. Attrill and F. G. F. Gibb
Pages 119-133 

Oxygen isotope evidence for crustal assimilation and magma mixing in the Granite 
Harbour Intrusives, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, 
L. Dallai, C. Ghezzo and Z. D. Sharp
Pages 135-151

Oxygen isotope composition of the Denchai sapphire, Thailand: a clue to its 
enigmatic origin, 
Tzen-Fu Yui, Khin Zaw and P. Limtrakun
Pages 153-161 

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