Lithos, 2002, V 61, N 1-2, March.

K.L. Lundgaard, B. Robins, C. Tegner and J.R. Wilson
Formation of hybrid cumulates: melatroctolites in Intrusion 4 of the 
Honningsva*g Intrusive Suite, northern Norway 1-19

E.-R. Neumann, E.A. Dunworth, B.A. Sundvoll and J.I. Tollefsrud
B1 basaltic lavas in Vestfold-Jel?ya area, central Oslo rift: derivation from 
initial melts formed by progressive partial melting of an enriched mantle source 

Jose' F. Molina, Ha*kon Austrheim, Johannes Glodny and Anatolij Rusin
The eclogites of the Marun-Keu complex, Polar Urals (Russia): fluid control on 
reaction kinetics and metasomatism during high P metamorphism 

Enik [\mbox{\H{o}}] Bali, Csaba Szabo', Orlando Vaselli and Ka'lma'n To"ro"k
Significance of silicate melt pockets in upper mantle xenoliths from the Bakony-
Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, Western Hungary 