Lithos, 2002, V 60, N 1-2, January.

E.A. Eide and J.-M. Lardeaux
A relict blueschist in meta-ophiolite from the central Norwegian 
Caledonidesdiscovery and consequences

Saeed Alirezaei and Eion M. Cameron
Mass balance during gabbro-amphibolite transition, Bamble Sector, Norway: 
implications for petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the gabbros

Georgia Pe-Piper, David J.W. Piper and Dionysis Matarangas
Regional implications of geochemistry and style of emplacement of Miocene
I-type diorite and granite, Delos, Cyclades, Greece

Bin Chen, Bor-ming Jahn and Chunjing Wei
Petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids in the Dabie UHP complex, Central China: 
trace element and Nd-Sr isotope evidence