Lithos, 2001, V 58, M 1-2, August.
F.P. Bierlein et al.
Tectonic and economic implications of trace element, 40Ar/39Ar and Sm-Nd data
from mafic dykes associated with orogenic gold mineralisation in central
Victoria, Australia
R.A. Cooke and P.J. O'Brien
Resolving the relationship between high P-T rocks and gneisses in collisional
terranes: an example from the Gfohl gneiss-granulite association in the
Moldanubian Zone, Austria
I.I. Likhanov, V.V. Reverdatto, V.S. Sheplev, A.E. Verschinin and P.S. Kozlov
Contact metamorphism of Fe- and Al-rich graphitic metapelites in the
Transangarian region of the Yenisei Ridge, eastern Siberia, Russia
Feiko Kalsbeek, Hans F. Jepsen and Kevin A. Jones
Erratum to "Geochemistry and petrogenesis of S-type granites in the East
Greenland Caledonides" [Lithos 57 (2001) 91-109]
Book review
M. Roden
Origin of igneous rocks: the isotopic evidence - By Gunter Faure, Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001