Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 2003, V 21, N 5, June.
Prograde, peak, and retrograde P-T paths from aluminium in orthopyroxene:
High-temperature contact metamorphism in the aureole
of the Makhavinekh Lake Pluton, Nain Plutonic Suite, Labrador
C. R. M. McFarlane, W. D. Carlson, J. N. Connelly
Crystallization environment of Kazakhstan microdiamond: evidenc
e from nanometric inclusions and mineral associations
L. F. Dobrzhinetskaya, H. W. Green, K. N. Bozhilov,
T. E. Mitchell, R. M. Dickerson
Orthopyroxene-sillimanite-quartz assemblages:
distribution, petrology, quantitative P-T-X constraints and P-T paths
D. E. Kelsey, R. W. White, R. Powell
A mineral equilibria study of the hydrothermal alteration
in mafic greenschist facies rocks at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
R. W. White, R. Powell, G. N. Phillips
Isobaric cooling and anti-clockwise P-T paths in the Variscan
Odenwald Crystalline Complex, Germany
T. M. Will, E. Schma"dicke
The preservation potential of microstructures during
static grain growth
M. W. Jessell, O. Kostenko, B. Jamtveit
493 Metamorphism of pelites in NKFMASH - a new
petrogenetic grid with implications for the preservation
of high-pressure mineral assemblages during exhumation
A Proyer
Forthcoming papers in the Journal of
Metamorphic Geology