Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 2003, V 21, N 4, May.

317 Exhumation of the Main Central Thrust from Lower Crustal Depths,
Eastern Bhutan Himalaya
C. G. Daniel, L. S. Hollister, R. R. Parrish, D. Grujic

Chemical and physical responses to deformation in micaceous
quartzites from the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps
J. Selverstone, J. Hyatt

Schlieren formation in diatexite migmatite: examples
from the St Malo migmatite terrane, France
I. Milord, E. W. Sawyer

Petrological constraints on the formation conditions
and retrograde P-T path of the Kotsu eclogite unit,
central Shikoku
M. Matsumoto, S. Wallis, M. Aoya, M. Enami, J. Kawano,
Y. Seto, N. Shimobayashi

The metamorphic field gradient in the eclogite type locality,
Koralpe region, Eastern Alps
V. Tenczer, K. Stu"we

Fast exhumation of the ultrahigh-pressure Alpe Arami
garnet peridotite (Central Alps, Switzerland): constraints
from geospeedometry and thermal modelling
B. Olker, R. Altherr, J. Paquin

Forthcoming papers in the Journal of Metamorphic Geology