Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 2002, V 20, N 8, November.

1.   Blueschist metamorphism during accretion in the Lachlan Orogen, south-
eastern Australia
Spaggiari C.V.; Gray D.R.; Foster D.A.
pp. 711-726(16) 

2.   Polyphase zircon in ultrahigh-temperature granulites (Rogaland, SW Norway): 
constraints for Pb diffusion in zircon
Moller A.; O'Brien P.J.; Kennedy A.; Kroner A.
pp. 727-740(14) 

3.   High-pressure granulites in the Sanggan area, North China craton: 
metamorphic evolution, P-T paths and geotectonic significance
Guo J.H.; O'Brien P.J.; Zhai M.
pp. 741-756(16) 

4.   Jadeite-chloritoid-glaucophane-lawsonite blueschists in north-west Turkey: 
unusually high P/T ratios in continental crust
Okay A.I.
pp. 757-768(12) 
5.   Constraints on the duration of high-pressure metamorphism in the Tauern 
Window from diffusion modelling of discontinuous growth zones in eclogite garnet
Dachs E.; Proyer A.
pp. 769-780(12) 

6.   Reductive deposition of graphite at lithological margins in East Central 
Vermont: a Sr, C and O isotope study
Evans K.A.; Bickle M.J.; Skelton A.D.L.; Hall M.; Chapman H.
pp. 781-798(18) 
7.   Forthcoming papers in the Journal of Metamorphic Geology
pp. 799-799(1)