1.1 Dirks, PHGM; Sithole, TA.
         Eclogites in the Makuti gneisses of Zimbabwe: implications
       for the tectonic evolution of the Zambezi Belt in southern
       Africa.                                                      pp. 593-612
   1.2 Currie, KL; Van Staal, CR.
         The assemblage stilpnomelane-chlorite-phengitic mica: a
       geothermobarometer for blueschist and associated greenschist
       terranes.                                                    pp. 613-620
   1.3 Gao, J; Klemd, R; Zhang, L; Wang, Z; and others.
         P-T path of high-pressure/low-temperature rocks and
       tectonic implications in the western Tianshan Mountains, NW
       China.                                                       pp. 621-636
   1.4 Straume, AK; Austrheim, H.
         Importance of fracturing during retro-metamorphism of
       eclogites.                                                   pp. 637-652
   1.5 Mawby, J; Hand, M; Foden, J.
         Sm-Nd evidence for high-grade Ordovician metamorphism in
       the Arunta Block, central Australia.                         pp. 653-668
   1.6 Farver, JR; Yund, RA.
         Oxygen bulk diffusion measurements and TEM
       characterization of a natural ultramylonite: implications
       for fluid transport in mica-bearing rocks.                   pp. 669-683
   1.7 Pattison, DRM; Spear, FS; Cheney, JT.
         Polymetamorphic origin of muscovite plus cordierite plus
       staurolite plus biotite assemblages: implications for the
       metapelitic petrogenetic grid and for P-T paths.             pp. 685-703
   1.8 Gleason, GC; Bruce, V; Green, HW.
         Experimental investigation of melt topology in partially
       molten quartzo-feldspathic aggregates under hydrostatic and
       non-hydrostatic stress.                                      pp. 705-722
   1.9 Cesare, B.
         Multi-stage pseudomorphic replacement of garnet during
       polymetamorphism: 1. Microstructures and their
       interpretation.                                              pp. 723-734
   1.10 Cesare, B.
          Multi-stage pseudomorphic replacement of garnet during
        polymetamorphism: 2. Algebraic analysis of mineral
        assemblages.                                                pp. 735-746
   1.11 Ibarguchi, JIG; Abalos, B; Azcarraga, J; Puelles, P.
          Deformation, high-pressure metamorphism and exhumation of
        ultramafic rocks in a deep subduction/collision setting
        (Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain)                                    pp. 747-764
   1.12 Dasgupta, S; Sengupta, P; Sengupta, P; Ehl, J; and others.
          Petrology of gedrite-bearing rocks in mid-crustal ductile
        shear zones from the Eastern Ghats Belt, India.             pp. 765-778
   1.13 Pasteris, JD.
          Causes of the uniformly high crystallinity of graphite in
        large epigenetic deposits.                                  pp. 779-787