Number 1, January 1997, pp 1 - 168.
- W. Heinrich (, G. Andrehs and G. Franz: Monazite- Xenotime thermometry I: an empirical calibration
of the (LHREE-HREE)PO4 solvus and a possible tool for determination of prograde temperature-time paths. pp. 3 -16.
- T. Theye (, C. Chopin, K.-D. Grevel and E. Ockenga: The assemblage diaspore + quartz in metamorphic rocks:
a petrological, experimental and thermodynamic study. pp. 17 - 28.
- C. Denison, W.D. Carlson ( and R.A. Ketcham: Three-dimensional
quantitative textural analysis of metamorphic rocks using high-resolution computed X-ray tomography:
part I. Methods and techniques. pp. 29 - 44.Figure
3ag (3.2Mb);
3eb (2.6Mb);
- C. Denison and W.D. Carlson ( Three-dimensional
quantitative textural analysis of metamorphic rocks using high-resolution computed X-ray tomography:
part II application to natural samples. pp. 45 - 57. Figure
- M.B. Holness ( Fluid flow paths and mechanisms of fluid infiltration in carbonates during contact
metamorphism: the Beinn an Dubhaich aureole, Skye. pp. 59 - 70.
- M.B. Holness ( and A.E. Fallick: Palaeohydrology of the calc-silicate aureole of the Beinn an Dubhaich granite,
Skye: a stable isotopic study. pp. 71 - 83.
- A.D.L. Skelton ( The effect of metamorphic fluid flow on the
nucleation and growth of garnets from Troms, North Norway.
- A. Barnicoat ( and I. Cartwright: The gabbro-eclogite transformation: an oxygen
and petrographic study of the west Alpine ophiolites. pp. 85 - 92.
- C.J. Carson (, R. Powell, C.J.L. Wilson and P.G.H.M. Dirks: Partial melting
during tectonic exhumation of a granulite terrane: an example from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. pp. 105 - 126.
- K. Mezger ( and E.J. Krogstad: Interpretation of discordant U-Pb zircon ages:
an evaluation. pp. 127 - 140.
- G. Stevens ( Melting, carbonic fluids and water recycling in the deep crust: an
example from the Limpopo Belt, South Africa. pp. 141 - 154.
- C.E. Jacobson ( Metamorphic convergence of the upper and lower plates of the
Vincent thrust, San Gabriel Mountains, southern California, USA. pp. 155 - 165.
Number 2, March 1997, pp. 169 - 298.
- T. Kato, M. Enami and M. Zhai: Ultrahigh-pressure marble and eclogite in the Su-Lu-UHP terrane,
eastern China. pp. 169 - 182.
- R.Y. Zhang and J.G. Liou ( Partial transformation of gabbro to coesite-bearing
eclogite from Yangkou, the Sulu terrane, eastern China. pp. 183 - 202.
- K. Petrakakis ( Evolution of Moldanubian rocks in Austria: review
and synthesis. pp. 203 - 222.
- E.M. Mahar (, J.M. Baker, R.Powell, T.J.B. Holland and N. Howell: The effect
of Mn on mineral stability in metapelites. pp. 223 - 238.
- D.A. Carswell (, P.J. O'Brien, R.N. Wilson and M.Zhai: Thermobarometry of phengite-bearing
eclogites in the Dabie Mountains of central China. pp. 239 - 252.
- J.B. Dawson (, S.L. Harley, R.L Rudnick and T.R. Ireland: Equilibration and reaction in Archaean
quartz-sapphirine granulite xenoliths from the Lace kimberlite pipe, South Africa. pp. 253 - 266.
- W.-T. Jiang (, D.R. Peacor, P.Arkai, M. Toth and J.-W. Kim: TEM and XRD determination of
crystallite size and lattice strain as a function of illite crystallinity in pelitic rocks. pp. 267 - 281.
- J. Martignole ( and P. Reynolds: 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology along a western
Quebec transect of the Grenville Province, Canada. pp. 283 - 296.
Analytical database.
Number 3, May 1997, pp. 299 - 420.
- A. Perchuk ( and P. Philippot: Rapid cooling and exhumation of eclogite rocks from the Great
Caucasus, Russia. pp. 299 - 310.
- T. Masuda, T. Morikawa, Y. Nakayama and S. Suzuki: Grain boundary migration of quartz during annealing experiments at
high temperatures and pressures, with implications for metamorphic geology. pp. 311 - 322.
- K.J.T. Livi (, D.R. Veblen, J.M. Ferry and M. Frey: Evolution of 2:1 layered silicates in low-grade
metamorphosed Liassic shales of central Switzerland. pp. 323 - 344. Analytical database.
- A. Ord ( and N.H.S. Oliver: Mechanical controls on fluid flow during regional metamorphism: some
numerical models. pp. 345 - 359.
- N.C.N. Stephenson and N.D.J. Cook: Metamorphic evolution of calc-silicate granulites near Battye Glacier, northern
Prince Charles Mountains, East Antartica. pp. 361 - 378.
- M. Raith (, S. Karmakar and M. Brown: Ultra-high temperature metamorphism and multistage
decompressional evolution of sapphirine granulites from the Parm Hill ranges, southern India. pp. 379 - 400
- K.M. Rockow, L.A. Haskin (, B.L. Jolliff and D.M. Fountain: Constraints on element
mobility associated with the conversion of granulite to eclogite along fractures in an anorthositic complex on
Holsnoy, Norway. pp. 401 - 419.
Number 4, July 1997, 421 - 550.
- C.B. Chernoff ( and W.D. Carlson: Disequilibrium for Ca during growth of
pelitic garnet. pp. 421 - 438. Analytical database.
- H.H. Stowell ( and S.A. Goldberg: Sm-Nd garnet dating of polyphase metamorphism: northern
Coast Mountains, south-eastern Alaska, USA. pp. 439 - 450.
- Yan Liu and Dalai Zhong: Petrology of high-pressure granulites from the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. pp. 451 - 466.
- T.H. Bell (, K.A. Hickey and J. Wang: Spiral and staircase inclusion trail axes within garnet and
staurolite porphyroblasts from schists of the Bolton Syncline, Connectitut: timing of porphyroblast growth and the effects of
fold development. pp. 467 - 478.
- R.Y. Zhang (, J.G. Liou, W.G. Ernst, R.G. Coleman, N.V. Sobolev and V.S. Shatsky: Metamorphic evolution of diamond-bearing
and associated rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan. pp. 479 - 496.
- I. Cartwright ( and T.R. Weaver: Two-dimensional patterns of metamorphic fluid flow
and isotopic resetting in layered and fractured rocks. pp. 497 - 512.
- C.S. Todd ( and M. Engi: Metamorphic field gradients in the Central Alps. pp. 513 - 530.
- T.J. Dempster ( and P.W.G. Tanner: The biotite isograd, Central Pyrenees: a deformation-controlled reaction. pp. 531 - 548.
Number 5, September 1997, 551 - 677.
- P. Sengupta, S. Sanyal, S. Dasgupta, M. Fukuoka, J. Ehl and S. Pal: Controls of mineral reactions in high grade
garnet-wollastonite-scapolite bearing calc-silicate rocks: an example from Anakapalle, Eastern Ghats, India. pp. 551 -564.
- M. Sakakibara (, H. Ofuka, G. Kimura, H. Isizuka, S. Miyashita, M. Okamura and O.A. Melinikov: Metamorphic evolution
of the Susunai metabasites in southern Sakhalin, Russian Republic. pp. 565 - 580.
- F.E Brenker ( and G.P. Brey: Reconstruction of the exhumation path of the Alpe Arami garnet
peridotite body from depths exceeding 160km. pp. 581 - 592.
- C. Davidson (, D. Grujic, L.S. Hollister and S.M. Schmid: Metamorphic reactions related to decompression and synkinematic
intrusion of leucogranite, High Himalayan Crystallines, Bhutan. pp. 593 - 612. Fig. 3;
- J.A. Miller (, I. Cartwright and I.S. Buick: Granulite facies metamorphism in the Mallee Bore area,
northern Harts Range: implications for the thermal evolution of the eastern Arunta Inlier, central Australia. pp. 613 - 629.
- W.D. Carlson ( and E.T. Schwarze: Petrological significance of prograde homogenization of growth zoning
in garnet: an example from the Llano Uplift. pp. 631 - 644.
- J.E. Viruete (, A. Indares and R. Arenas: P-T path determinations in the Tormes Gneissis Dome,
NW Iberian Massif, Spain. pp. 645 - 663.
- R.M. Essex, L.P. Gromet, P-G. Andreasson and L. Albrecht: Early Ordovician U-Pb metamorphic ages of the eclogite-bearing Seve Nappes,
Northern Scandinavian Caledonides. pp. 665 - 676.
Number 6, November 1997, 679 - 800.
- C. Meyre (, C. De Capitani and J.H. Partzsch: A ternary solid solution model for omphacite and its application to
geothermobarometry of eclogites from the Middle Adula nappe (Central Alps), Switzerland).
- D.E. Harlov, R.C. Newton, E.C. Hansen and A.S. Janardhan: Oxide and sulphide minerals in highly oxidized, Rb-depleted Archaen
granulites of the Shevaroy Hills Massif, South India: Oxidation states and the role of metamorphic fluids.
- C.J. Carson ( and R Powell: Garnet-orthopyroxene geothermometry and geobarometry: error propagation and equilibration effects.
- A.K. Mukhopadhyay and A. Bhattacharya ( Tectonothermal evolution of the Salur Gneiss Complex in the Eastern Ghats
granulite belt of India.
- A. Camacho (, W. Compston, M. McCulloch and I. McDougall: Timing and exhumation of eclogite facies shear
zones, Musgrave Block, Central Australia.
- M.B. Holness ( Geochemical self-organization of olivine-grade contact metamorphosed chert nodules
in dolomitic marble, Kilchrist, Skye.
- M.A. House (, K.V. Hodges and S.A. Bowring: Petrological and geochronological constraints on regional
metamorphism along the northern border of the Bitterroot batholith.
- G. Pennacchioni ( and B. Cesare: Ductile-brittle transition in pre-Alpine amphibolite facies mylonites