Number 1, January 1995, pp 1 - 140.
Special Issue on Cordilleran High-Pressure Metamorphic Terranes.
Edited by B.E. Patrick and H.W. Day
- B.E. Patrick and H.W. Day:
Cordilleran high-pressure metamorphic terranes: progress and problems.
- C. Dusel-Bacon (, V.L. Hansen and J.A. Scala:
High-pressure amphibolite facies dynamic metamorphism and the Mesozoic
tectonic evolution of an ancient continental margin, east-central Alaska.
- S.M. Roeske, C. Dusel-Bacon, J.N. Aleinikoff, L.W. Snee and M.A. Lanphere
Metamorphic and structural history of continental crust at a Mesozoic collisional
margin, the Ruby terrane, central Alaska.
- A.B. Till and L.W. Snee:
40Ar/39Ar evidence that formation of blueschists in continental crust was
synchronous with foreland fold and thrust belt deformation, western Brooks Range, Alaska.
- M. Brocker ( and H.W. Day:
Low-grade blueschist facies metamorphism of metagreywackes, Franciscan complex,
northern California.
- C.E. Jacobsen:
Qualitative thermobarometry of inverted metamorphism in the Pelona and Rand schists,
southern California, using calciferous amphibole in mafic schist.
- J.W. Goodge:
Pre-Middle Jurassic accretionary metamorphism in the southern Klamath Mountains of
northern California, USA.
- B. Patrick:
High-pressure-low-temperature metamorphism of granitic orthogneiss in the Brooks Range,
northern Alaska.
- K.A. Hannula and M.O. McWilliams:
Reconsideration of the age of blueschist facies metamorphism on the Seward Peninsula,
Alaska, based on phengite 40Ar/39Ar results.
Number 2, March 1995, pp 141 - 329.
- R.Arenas, F.J. Rubio Pascual, F. Diaz Garcia and J.R. Martinez Catalan:
High-pressure micro-inclusions and development of an inverted metamorphic gradient
in the Santiago Schists (Ordones Complex, NW Iberian Massif, Spain): evidence of subduction
and collisional decompression.
- S.E. Johnson and R.H. Vernon:
Stepping stones and pitfalls in the determination of an anticlockwise P-T-t-deformation path:
the low-P, high-T Cooma Complex, Australia.
- R.A. Jamieson (, N.G. Culshaw and D. Corrigan:
North-west propagation of the Grenville orogen: Grenvillian structure and metamorphism near
Key Harbour, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada.
- P.H. Reynolds, N.G. Culshaw, R.A. Jamieson, S.L. Grant and K.J. McKenzie:
40Ar/39Ar traverse - Grenville Front Tectonic Zone to Britt Domain, Grenville Province,
Ontario, Canada.
- G.T. Nichols:
The role of mylonites in the uplift of an oblique lower crustal section, East Antarctica.
- E.L. Johnson and L.S. Hollister:
Syndeformational fluid trapping in quartz: determining the pressure-temperature conditions of
deformation from fluid inclusions and the formation of pure CO2 fluid inclusions during grain
boundary migration.
- M.J. Kohn, F.S. Spear, T.M. Harrison and I.W.D. Dalziel:
40Ar/39Ar geochronology and P-T-t paths from the Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex, Tierra
del Fuego, Chile.
- R.D. Dallymeyer, A. Takasu and K. Yamaguchi:
Mesozoic tectonothermal development of the Sambagawa, Mikabu and Chichibu belts, south-west
Japan: evidence from 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock phyllite ages.
- S.K. Sen, S. Bhattacharya and A. Acharyya:
A multi-stage pressure-temperature record in the Chilka Lake granulites: the epitome of the
metamorphic evolution of eastern Ghats, India?
- J.J. Ague:
Deep crustal growth of quartz, kyanite and garnet into large-aperture, fluid-filled fractures,
north-eastern Connectitut, USA.
- Seung Ryeol Lee and Moonsup Cho:
Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Chuncheon amphibolite, central Gyeonggi massif, South Korea.
Number 3, May 1995, pp 331 - 448.
- N. Audibert, B.J. Hensen ( and P. Bertrand: Experimental
study of phase relations involving osumlite in the system
K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O at high pressure and temperature.
- D.L. Hall and S.M. Sterner: Experimental diffusion of hydrogen into synthetic fluid
inclusions in quartz.
- M.Q. Jan and A. Karim: Coronas and high-P veins
in metagabbros of the Kohistan island arc, northern Pakistan: evidence for
crustal thickening during cooling.
- R. Tribuzio (, M.P. Riccardi and L. Ottolini: Trace element
redistribution in high-temperature deformed gabbros from East Ligurian ophiolites
(Northern Apennines, Italy): constraints on the origin of syndeformational
- Aley El Din K. El Shazly ( Petrology of
Fe-Mg carpholite-bearing metasediments from NE Oman.
- I. Cartwright
( and I.S. Buick: Formation of
wollastonite-bearing marbles during late regional metamorphic channelled fluid
flow in the Upper Calcsilicate Unit of the Reynolds Range Group, Central
- J. Ganguly, R.H. Singh and D.V. Ramana: Thermal
pertubation during charnockitization and granulite facies metamorphism in
southern India.
- A.J. Zingg: Continuous reactions with amphibole,
garnet and plagioclase.
Number 4, July 1995, pp 449-536.
- A.I. Okay: Paragonitic eclogites from
Dabie Shan, China: reequilibration during exhumation?
- P.G. Andréasson
( and R.D. Dallmeyer: Tectonothermal
evolution of high-alumina rocks within the Protogine Zone, southern Sweden.
- A. Indares:
Metamorphic interpretation of high-pressure/temperature metapelites with
preserved growth zoning in garnet, eastern Grenville Province, Canadian Shield.
- P. Schiffman (schiffman@geology.ucdavis.ed) and H. Staudigel: The
smectite to chlorite transition in a fossil seamount hydrothermal system: The
Basement Complex of La Palma, Canary Islands.
- K. Brodie: The development of orientated symplectites during
- M.R. St-Onge ( and S.B. Lucas: Large-scale fluid
infiltration, metasomatism and re-equilibration of Archaen basement granulites
during Paleoproterozoic thrust belt construction, Ungava Orogen, Canada.
Number 5, September 1995, pp 537-644.
- E. Schmädicke (, K.
Mezger, M.A. Cosca and M. Okrusch: Variscan Sm-Nd and Ar-Ar ages of eclogite
facies rocks from the Erzebirge, Bohemian Massif.
- U. Altenberger: Local disequilibrium of plagioclase in high-temperature shear
zones of the Ivrea Zone, Italy.
- R.J. Merriman (, B. Roberts, D.R. Peacor and S.R. Hirons: Strain-related
differences in the crystal growth of white mica and chlorite: a TEM and XRD
study of the development of metapelitic microfabrics in the Southern Uplands
thust terrane, Scotland.
- N.E. Kitchen and J.W. Valley ( Carbon isotope
thermometry in marbles of the Adirondack Mountains, New York.
- A.M. Macfarlane ( An evaluation of the inverted metamorphic
gradient at Langtang National Park, Central Nepal Himalaya.
- D.P Carrington ( and S.L. Harley: The stability of
osumilite in metapelitic granulites.
- M.W. Nyman (, R.D. Law and S.S. Morgan: Conditions of
contact metamorphism, Papoose Flat Pluton, eastern California: implications for cooling
and strain histories.
Number 6, November 1995, pp 645 - 782.
- L.L. Pryer and P.-Y.F. Robin: Retrograde metamorphic reactions in deforming
granites and the origin of flame perthite.
- Ru-yuan Zhang, T. Hirajima, S. Banno, Bolin Cong and J.G. Liou: Petrology of
ultrahigh-pressure rocks from the southern Su-Lu region, eastern China.
- B. Dutrow ( and D. Norton: Evolution of fluid pressure and fracture propagation
during contact metamorphism.
- B. Cesare (A45700@PDARI.PD.CNR.IT) and L.S. Hollister: Andalusite-
bearing veins at Vedrette di Ries (eastern Alps, Italy): fluid phase composition based on
fluid inclusions.
- S.W. Faryad ( Phase petrology and P-T conditions of mafic blueschists
from the Meliata unit, West Carpathians, Slovakia.
- G.L. Clarke (, R. Powell and R.H. Vernon Reaction
relationships during retrograde metamorphism at Olary, South Australia.
- Y. Nakashima ( Transport model of buoyant
metamorphic fluid by hydrofracturing in leaky rock.
- A.J. Barker: Post-entrapment of fluid inclusions due to overpressure: evidence from natural samples.
- I.P. Burgess, M. Brown (, R.D. Dallmeyer and C.R. Van Staal: Microstructure,
metamorphism, thermochronology and P-T-t-deformation history of the Port aux Basques gneisses, southwest Newfoundland, Canada.