Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2001, V 30, N 7, July.
Copper(II)-Ammonia Complexation Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions at Temperatures
from 30 to 250°C by Visible Spectroscopy.
Liliana N. Trevani, Jenene C. Roberts, Peter R. Tremaine
pp. 585-622
Physicochemical Properties of Solutions of Amides in H2O and in D2O.
M. Jelinska-Kazimierczuk, J. Szydlowski
pp. 623-640
Effects of Solvent, Structure, and Temperature on the Ionization Equilibrium
Constants of Phenols and Pyridinium Ions in Mixtures of Water and 1,4-Dioxane.
Juan Llor
pp. 641-655
Partial Molar Volumes of Transfer of Some Amino Acids from Water to Aqueous
Glycerol Solutions at 25°C.
Tarlok S. Banipal, Gagandeep Singh, Bhajan S. Lark
pp. 657-670