Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2005, V 34, N 4.

Effects of the Presence of Cyclohexane or 
Methylcyclohexane on the Densities and 
Volumetric Properties of the Mixture (Benzene + Propionitrile) 
Haijun Wang and Jinchun Sun 
pp. 375 - 385 

Isentropic Compressibility Changes of Mixing 
for 1,3-Dioxolane or 1,4-Dioxane + Water + 
Propanol Ternary Mixtures 
V. K. Sharma and Satish Kumar 
pp. 387 - 405 

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Aqueous 
Solutions Using Interaction Energy Components: 
Application to the Solvation Gibbs Energy 
S. Tolosa Arroyo, J. A. Sansen Martin, A. Hidalgo Garcia 
pp. 407 - 414 

Thermodynamics of Aqueous Solutions of 
18-Crown-6 at 298.15 K: Enthalpy and Entropy Effects 
Dilip H. Dagade, Rahul R. Kolhapurkar, 
Santosh S. Terdale, et al. 
pp. 415 - 426 

Effect of Chloride Ions on the Hydrolysis of 
Trivalent Lanthanum, Praseodymium and Lutetium
in Aqueous Solutions of 2 M Ionic Strength 
H. Lopez-Gonzalez, M. Solache-Rios, 
M. Jimenez-Reyes, et al. 
pp. 427 - 441 

A Spectroscopic Study of the Dissolution of 
Cesium Phosphomolybdate and Zirconium 
Molybdate by Ammonium Carbamate 
Jun Jiang, Iain May, Mark J. Sarsfield, et al. 
pp. 443 - 468 

Solubility of (UO2)3(PO4)2?4H2O in 
H+-Na+-OH?-H2PO?4-HPO2?4-PO3?4-H2O and 
Its Comparison to the Analogous PuO2 +2 System 
Dhanpat Rai, Yuanxian Xia, Linfeng Rao, et al. 
pp. 469 - 498